Friday, October 25, 2013

Disney Friday Favorites

I've been itching to post some more on this blog, but life has just gotten in the way!  :)  Between work, family, and the apartment above us flooding thus having it rain in our apartment... well, certain things have really had to go on the back burner for awhile.  I'm glad that I've been able to stick with the wonderful group of Disney fans that is the Magical Blogorail, but I've been missing doing at least another post here and there.  So I would love to start back up with a Friday Favorites post!  Here is what I've been loving lately:

Favorite Cuteness:
Holy cuteness-overload, Batman!  I adore Chip 'n' Dale, and this is just over the top.  Titled "Brothers", it is by lavendie on deviantart.

Favorite Buy:
This, as well as other, great vinyl decals, are by none other than fellow Blogorailer, Disney Donna Kay!  You can find them at her etsy store, Magical Creations and Celebrations.

Favorite Awwww:
Found on Pinterest. 

Favorite Fact:
Pretty cool and something I hadn't noticed before!  Also found on Pinterest.

What Disney awesomeness have you found this week?

Click here for past Friday Favorites.

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