Friday, August 20, 2010

Spotlight Friday

Each Friday I shine the spotlight on a Disney-related site that I have found and enjoy. I know I love discovering new (or at least new to me!) Disney websites and blogs and want to pass them on to you!

I recently found a new website that I very much enjoy. There are reviews, news, and Q&A's. At Everything Walt Disney World you can find pretty much, well, everything about Walt Disney World! Hmmm, I guess the name speaks for itself...

I have to admit that even when I know about some recent news coming out of the Walt Disney Company, I still enjoy reading it from a few different sources. By reading the same thing from different perspectives, it helps you get every bit of information you can and helps you form a very educated opinion of your own. And Everything Walt Disney World is a great resource.


  1. Wow. How incredibly nice of you!


  2. Hi. One thing you might be interested in. Have you found yet? It's a site where other Disney bloggers share links to articles they like and discuss current Disney news. If you want to bring some traffic to your blog, you can put links of posts up over there. It's a great way to meet other bloggers as well. Don't be shy about linking over there--everyone is super friendly.
